Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
I'm currently renting in Los Angeles and the rents are super high. I
want to buy a property, but I am a little afraid especially after the treasury department said we are looking at early signs of a recession. I
Hey all, I am on bigger pockets simply because I want to help beginners make that leap like I had to all on my own before I knew about bigger pockets. A quick blurb on my experience : I am a serial House Hacker I am ...
I day traded currency futures in a past life and always kept an online journal to keep me accountable, share what I was doing with the community and have a little bit of fun. Even 10+ years later, I enjoy reading bac...
On this other BP topic we discussed various ways an individual invest in real estate PASSIVELY, with minimal risk, and get 5-15% ROI. A post by Dionte G. came up (see the bottom of this post) that I think needed to be...