When interest rates shot up, the market seized. It happened to office, multi-family and single family markets. Now that rates have come down a little, maybe there will be a little easing up on the downward number of s...
Earlier this week monday, my tenant called , there was no water . I get there and check the breaker , then the pressure switch on the well , and determine , yes the pump has bit the dust . Now its late , but the tena...
Hey everyone, I wanted to get a pulse on how others are feeling about the Toronto market in the upcoming Q1 and Q2, with respect to sale prices. I know the data posted by TRREB has sale volume and prices dropping from...
This is relating to the newest video by BiggerPockets, involving inventory data trends by realtor.com . Fantastic video!However, I'm confused on what the numbers are indicating. For instance my area, Miami-Fort Lauder...
Hi BP community,I manage a multi-tenant retail strip (9 units). The property is fairly new (4 years old). I am seeing some black spots in sidewalks, curbs, some dirt built up in parking lot so I am thinking it's tim...
The entire left coast has become a joke. Landloards can't enforce lease terms and basically have to let tenants live for free while they damage the hell out of the place (situation I'm facing).Attorney I spoke with to...
Say I buy an apartment building today with a 5 year note that amortizes over 30 years. I'm cash flow positive -- lets just say interest rate of 4% and a 7% cap on the building.
My real question is this - What if rate...
What new change is going to effect this strategy for you the most?
The September 2017 Central Texas Housing Market Report is out from the Austin Board of REALTORS®. The weather isn't the only thing cooling this time of year. Single-family home sales declined across much of the Austin...
https://insiderlouisville.com/government/short-ter...The investor community came together and defeated the Moratorium!