Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
HI Everyone...Just joined BP - I've been reading the forums for 1 month. Lots of great information. Thanks to everyone who is sharing their knowledge. I am debating whether it is worth using my SD IRA to purchase rea...
I am putting together my SOW for my first flip and want to upgrade the electric on the two story to grounded. Why? I want to put out a good product (that sells easy!) and it makes sense to me to upgrade the electr...
Looking to Memphis as my first investment opportunity. Specifically single family rentals with a long term view to supporting monthly cash flow.
Question is this. If Memphis has been on the radar for a while, is the ...
I am an aspiring real estate syndicator looking to invest in apartment buildings around major universities, and renting them out to a niche group of university students. Based on my research, I feel this is a group...
For anyone who would like to respond, I‘m curious, what is your primary residence, how did you get there, and do you have plans to live somewhere more permanent In the future? i.e, did you already live in a residence ...
Thought I'd start a small thread to see what $250,000 would get in different parts of the country. . .
This should be an interesting one! :groovy:
First of all sure, maybe you did it and had good time, buttt from what I've read all over the internet its basically crap. Sure the info and videos were good. However they don't tell you the full story.
I was told, l...
I will be graduating from college in June with no debt. I have around 60k saved up and have a job lined up. I have a couple questions.Will I be able to get a mortgage?Should I invest locally or oos? (located in Seattl...