Results (3854)
20 July 2024 | 28 replies
Since yesterday a company called Nvidia is valued higher than Apple. Yes, you have read that correctly. 3 Trillion $ market cap. Nvidia is now the second biggest company in the US. Ask 10 random people today about Nvi...
24 July 2021 | 172 replies
The state of New York has a bill to CANCEL rent for 90 days for workers affected by the virus! This isn't deferring rent payment; it is waiving it.
Those landlords who have mortgage...
24 August 2022 | 166 replies
Some Perspective... 0.15%
That's the percent of American people who have Covid-19 at the time of this writing. NOT even 1% of the total population.
Suppose the disease were to quadruple before this is over, that w...
How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World with Millennial Revolution
13 January, 2019
Why Self-Storage Beats Rental Properties
15 November, 2023