Where do most of you all place your cash reserves for repairs? Stock market, savings accounts, cd’s etc? Is the stock market too risky for your reserves or does it make sense in order for growth potential?
I was curious about anyone's experience or perspective on investing in specific deals offered by the crowd funding platforms, vs investing in real estate investment funds (which are also offered periodically.)I spoke ...
I was under contract to buy a house and the title company discovered bunch of liens few days before closing. This would require seller to bring cash to closing. Seller decided its better to let the house forclose than...
Hello-I recently started a new job and seeking some advice on structuring my retirement accounts. First, I have a 401K set up at 8%, however, the company is not matching at this time. I've also enrolled in the ESPP at...
Hi i'm trying to mimick a portfolio like this
50% Stocks (mostly s&p500 and total stock) 0% Bonds 40% Real Estate, the rest into savings account for emergency funds. I'm 28 years old.
Just generally speaking how much in taxes would someone living in houston, tx have to pay uncle sam if they have about 100 million usd deposited in a chase bank account even if its not for the purpose of accruing inte...
I got into real estate investing to escape the 9 to 5 paycheck route. Now that I have enough "passive" income through single family, mulitfamily, short term rentals, a few notes, etc....I'm looking at the next step t...
When it comes to saving up and setting your money aside for a future investment,what way of saving works best for you? Investing in a traditional savings account at the bank,utilize a CD at the bank,investing in mutua...
Looking to make a Tax presentation for my Father in Law who LOVES 401k's (with pros and cons) vs investing in real estate as a real estate professional.Would love to have some help here from a licensed professional wh...
My goal is to have the ability to retire at the age of 50 or 60 (30 now). My plan to achieve this is to buy and hold at least one SF homes a year in desirable areas with lower cash flow but higher val...