The U.S. Supreme Court ended the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC’s) eviction moratorium Thursday night, giving much-needed relief to America’s small housing providers facing financial hardship for more...
Several changes are being made to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). Owners who were previously FAR under water *might* be able to get their ...
Looks like the emergency spending bill passed this evening (12/20/2020) and extended the eviction moratorium until the end of January . There’s potential for an even further extension when that one expires as well
Hi guys,
What about me... I am from Bulgaria now I am a student in our capital - Sofia. I am interesting about investments and real estates because last 3-4 years the market here grown and grown... and I am finding ve...
I keep getting fake paystubs and references! I cant seem to find an honest tenant. What should i do?
Politicians and the news media want to paint landlords in a negative light. The recent legislation to delay evictions takes away landlord rights and assumes landlords will do the wrong thing. It assumes all tenants wi...
Still headed west after all these years.
While working on processing a security deposit refund for a prior tenant i was surprised to learn that the deadline for returning these had recently been reduced to two weeks from a "reasonable" time (30-60 days). Thi...
I bet you didn't know that gold and silver investing was part of health care did you? Silly you. One of the provisions of the Obama Health Care plan is that now, all transactions of coins, bullion, and paper money (...
If the tenants have to apply and also make contributions or the entire grant is null and void how is this helping the owners?
COVID-19 Temporary Rent Support Landlord Fact Sheet https://dhcd.baltimorecity.gov/sites...