Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
I have a very nice urban property up for rent. The clients that often apply to my city homes have POOR credit.. so I NEVER judge an applicant based on their credit score, I have removed that judgement from my process....
Let's say you are a brand new investor. You are 40 years old and you have a family. You have $80K in your savings account, and you decide you want to invest in real estate.
Knowing what you know now, what would you...
I realize this is a totally subjective question but I’m going to ask it anyways. What’s the magic number for single family homes? How many is too many? How many for maximum efficiency? What’s the most you could self m...
Ashley Kehr, author of Real Estate Rookie and co-host of the Rookie podcast will be taking over the BiggerPockets' Instagram tomorrow to answer all your rookie investing questions and discussing how to overcome obstac...
Hi everyone,I am looking at some turnkey providers and would like to know about you guys' personal experiences. They do have a big inventory and they do provide a vast variety of properties. They do charge markups on ...