So with interest rates sure to rise and inflation well on the way, what’s your strategy? Pay down loans? Save up for the next drop? Just curious.
Personally I’ve tried to lock in interest rates as much as possibly a...
Hi guys,
I am a bit embarrassed for asking such a simple question and feel like I should know the answer already but I guess if I don't ask I will never know....
I need to do some serious asset/liability protection...
This question was inspired by the discussion entitled "Caught Tenant Smoking Weed" started by @Faisal Farnas. As marijuana becomes legal in more U.S. states, many landlords and homeowners will find themselves facing t...
Question for you all.We had a couple move in to a one bedroom unit we have. They have been there for two months. Two days ago, I got a call from them saying there is mold on their furniture in the bedroom, the window ...
Hi, I just leased to a new tenant (six-month lease) and the tenant has moved into the premises this month. Without my knowledge and consent, the tenant brought in a pit bull (or similar breed). I discovered the pet wh...
Hello everyone. I am purchasing my first investment property in two weeks and was wondering what are your top 5 rules/policies/terms that you like to include in your lease agreement (that aren't found in the typical l...
I had the best tenants ever with no late payments and no repair calls. Three years later I was worried when the rent was not deposited by the 2nd. Normal for most of my tenants but this particular case was different...
I am puzzled. Seems to me that a PA would be essential at the beginning of the lease option term. Without it, a TB or seller could waltz out of the agreement and rightfully demand that all of their monies be return...
Buyer purchases subject-to and bank calls sale. Is it the responsibility of the buyer to pay the balance of the mortgage or the seller? If the buyer can't pay, does it then become the sellers responsibility? Can the ...
Not sure how your states are handling this but Oregon passed new laws in January and they are not kidding.we got caught in the middle of the change and got a 16k fine plus had to pay 19k for this proje...