Are you still putting your money away in a retirement account?
Are you maxing it out?
Are you getting the bare minimum employer match?
Or are you parking all your money in a liquid account to be ready for the next ...
Simple poll-
Which of the following in your mind is the most threatening to our National security? In alphabetical order.
1. national debt
2. rogue nations
3. terrorism
4. unsecured borders
These are al...
My recent BPO from WaMu was a drive-by, they didn't check the inside of the home.
I've been told that the next one will also be a drive-by...they don't reveal when it will be done, and there's no appointment set beca...
I like to use Net Present Value when evaluating deals, but I don't see it a lot on this forum or other real estate evaluations. Can anyone shed some light on why not to use it?
so based on these recent huge tech layoffs in CA, there's structural job changes that due to Fed Interest Rate, tech company can not longer operating in sustainable fashion in CA, so they have to move operation. Eithe...
I have long had 4 financed properties so I have been paying 25% down plus closing costs for each new investment. I takes time for me to scrape together that kind of money for my buy and hold investment style. Whe...
Something that I have been pondering. For those of you who had/have a solid paying job and ability use your hard earned money to have some fun (travel, going out to nice places, piloting, presents for kids/spouse, etc...