Most people know a hard money lender or a commercial bank, but very few know how to acquire Unsecured Lines of Credit to complement those lending sources to 100% finance their deals. And even fewer people know how to ...
I invest for cash flow...Every pro advises to leverage...I get it when the market is going up. How about when market is at the top or almost there. Isn’t dangerous to invest with leverage ? Just like the gains are mul...
Seizure–alert Dogs, Hypoglycemia-alert Dogs, Therapy Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs.. what will they come up with next?sure, dogs, dogs, must LOVE dogs! i do too, and would likely evenmoreso if/when i were to go blind o...
The city of Toledo, OH is proposing a new "lead safe" ordinance which would affect rental properties with 4 or fewer units.Proponents of the bill are expecting about a $50 / year cost per unit per year ($150 for dust ...
I was just told by a potential seller that if I make an offer, it will be considered with offers from 5 other people. Is this typical? Do you compete with more people or fewer people?
Four years ago my wife and I took the plunge into real estate by househacking in the most dangerous city in America, and no @Joshua Dorkin it’s not Detroit. At the time we knew absolutely nothing about real estate an...
Hi there!I'm just starting a 1200 sqft renovation on a duplex in Washington state. Ductless heating works well here, but I'm worried about tenants breaking them. Central, ducted heating seems much more robust. Can ...
Breaking this out from the pet cost post.For those of you that do pet limits, what does it apply to? If you have a two-pet limit, can someone do 2 dogs and a hamster? What about 2 spiders and 1 cat?Curious where the l...
We don't allow pets in our airbnb as it is our first airbnb and rental property. We do this because we know pets come with odor and hair and we don't want to ruin our nice furniture. We have a monthly booking that jus...
A new house just came up on the market as an REO with a list price of 189K
High Ranch, 2BR, 1FB, 1HB, full partly finished basement,
It was listed for 259K in 2010 as non REO
Here is a link to some pictures of it c...