Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I recently moved to Texas from California and plan to move back to invest out of state. I am wondering if anyone has any advice, pros/cons, and tips on investing from out of state. How hard is it to network? How do yo...
Hello everyone, I have a family friend that is about to go to college and is very interested in real estate investing and says that will be his future. He asked me what he should major in and I told him business admin...
and Property Managers in general,Just about no one on Bigger Pockets is as big a defender of Property Managers as I am. While some folks are great DYI people and can manage their own properties well, I am a firm beli...
There are a lot of discussions on the site about starting out, but I find that those discussions where people share the challenges they went through on difficult deals are the best to learn from.
So . . .
What Was Y...
Hi, I was hesitant about writing this but want anyone out there that can help. Please give me any tips or advice. I rather sleep peacefully at night. I could use the criticism and just want to not worry every month...
This house barely cash flows. I worry about it being near the peak especially in LV due to the looming recession. With 85k involved in closing, it isn't an ideal time to buy if the market turns against me and I can bu...
Anyone know if this tax Overages program with Rick Dawson and Bob Diamond is for real or legit? Thinking about adding this to my portfolio just want to make sure i'm not being scammed with this.ThanksAndre
Hi guys I was thinking about this today and just wanted to ask this question and see what your opinion on the matter is. Many people in and out of real estate frown upon wholesaling. There are so many negative stigma...