Check out the lender's email response that we received to one of our short sale offers.
"[i]Mr. Granquist
This BPO opinion for a quick sale on this property is $148,000 to sell "as is" within 30 days. The total of...
Going to look at a house tomorrow. FSBO. Asking price 69k, mortgage 61k. Owner of the house died and left it to the estate. 3 siblings. They all live out of state. Sounded like they would just like the place sold. Whe...
Not sure if anyone has seen this. Thoughts?,0,7858564.story
We are currently getting good results from door knocking, about 20 doors per person per day, and about 6 contacts, with 1 to 2 potential sellers. Most sellers indicate that they are trying loan modifications (about 9...
Somebody please tell me why a Rrealtor would show a short sale property? Other than commission, why would a Realtor take a short sale listing? I've been in real estate for over 15 years. There is no advantage to the...
This is an article I found hilarious. Now that things aren't going their way they want to call transactions "suspicious". Call them what they really are...Investors taking advantage of opportunity that YOU created for...
Just got approval for short sale. I owe $200K on beach property and have an offer for $90K. In the short sale agreement it states that the lender or its investors may pursue a deficiency judgement for the difference...
Twice I've submitted packets to my negotiator and he's come back saying the lender wants their packet filled out and it's essentially the same exact information. He has been able to talk to the lender's negotiator a...
Just visit Freddie Macs website and read the new take they have on short sale flips. Outrageous if you ask me.
Here is the link:
Are all you sho...
How or when do we negotiate for the shortfall to be forgiven or charged off for the benefit of the seller?