A loan made to an individual or a business can be secured by real estate or real property. This is also called real estate lending, or trust deed investing. A trust deed is recorded, putting a lien on the Title to the...
Since December I've ran into a few problems while trying to invest. The biggest problem was me not wanting to invest in California because of our market. I'm now past that and very close to diving into my first purcha...
Purchased a property in my name with a 30 yr fixed mortgage (big corporate bank). Have sense formed an LLC. Planning to transfer into the LLC. Would love to know if anyone has done this and the bank called to load due...
Hi BP,I am scrambling right now to make the right offer in the right way by tomorrow noon. I am in the nor cal market and the house has ARV 360 so I figure my max offer allowable is 360-(55k repairs)-(my 10k wholesale...
I just finished Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins. Great book! One part that really hit me in the book was the long-term opportunity cost of "little" splurges like regularly hitting Starbucks or eating out. Relat...
I am a current client of Royal Legal Solutions out of Austin Texas. I am almost scared to ask this question, but here it goes. Has anyone had dealings with them and are they legit? I am starting to wonder. I am not re...