What direction would you go. Pay off 18k in student loan debt all around 4-6% interest, or put that money towards a down payment on a investment property to generate some cash flow, then pay off the loan while also bu...
I am currently a second year college student looking to buy his first investment property before the beginning of his senior year. My intention is to house hack for a year to meet the FHA requirements but are any oth...
Good morning,
I have been reading and learning more about real estate investing. I really want to take action but is hesitant because my liabilities are so high due to student loans.
I have about $180,000 in student...
How do investors handle rental income and student loans? I’m in the PAYE repayment program where your payment is based on your income. My tax lady said it’ll be considered a loss and not to worry about it. I just want...
With student loan repayments set to start back up, I was wondering what effects it will have both on the rental and housing markets along with how large of an effect you think it will be. As far as the housing market...
Hello All,
I am just getting started on my path to financial freedom through Real Estate. With my first post on BP, I would like to ask for any advice regarding my current situation.
I am a recent pharmacy school ...
Hey all,My wife and I are considering getting a new property. We currently own a condo but I'm the only one of the loan. My wife has student loans and I know in some states that liens will be put on mortgages when p...
I want to start investing and have an investment plan, but there is one thing standing in my way: debt. Should I pay debt off first and then invest? Should I invest first and slowly pay off loans?
So a bit about me. ...
Hello guys. I know this question has been asked many times before, but since every situation is different, I want to hear your feedback on my situation. I currently have $30k student debt. I have a very stable job wit...
Hello BP,
I just graduated with almost 85k in student loan debt. This is between my fiancée and I. Our household generates 95k in W2 income. Now that I have money coming in I’m not sure what is the best thing I shoul...