Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
I am looking at buying a tri-plex. The current rent is from 1998, can I raise the rent on one apartment at a time? All the apartments smell bad and are dirty. I will have to paint and replace carpets and I do not want...
Hello all,I'm brand new here and as a landlord so I'm posting this in hopes I can get some opinions into what I should do. A few months ago I bought a new house and held onto my old one so I could rent it out. I've...
Hello, BP community -
First-time poster here, and appreciate your guidance on the below question.I am curious about how we should be thinking about paying investors during the first few months of a value-add syndica...
I'm looking to buy a quad/four plex on the market in Austin TX. The property will be purchased at 750K, but I will only place 5K into the deal at the end of closing and etc. I'm slightly worried about the "As Is" term...
Hey BP family, What are your thoughts on using wholesalers consistently vs doing your own marketing? I know there is better margin in doing your own marketing, but can that be compensated for by using wholesalers cons...
I'm just starting out and about to rent my firsts apartments, just bought a 4 unit currently under renovations. I'm just wondering, how do you guys collect your rent?
Currently reading Brandon Turner’s book on Rental Property Management. Wanting to manage my first rental myself, budgeting in management so that I can outsource it in the future. In regards to book keeping, what are s...
I'm new to BP and real estate investing. I am 25 years old and currently have 1 rental and 1 primary. In the rental I have about 50k equity and have considered selling the rental to unlock equity to reinvest or comple...