I have spent the last few days analyzing rental properties in and around Logan, Utah. From everything I have found (maybe I'm doing the math wrong because I'm new to this) is that trying to use the 2% test or even the...
My vote goes to Professor Gates who immediately accused a police officer of racial profiling when that police officer responded to a report of a break-in of his own house. Was it really too much to ask that Prof. Gat...
I use a Strict policy and always have. However, with this CV19, folks that have inquired are now holding off on booking, and the new inquiries have pretty much dried up. Is anyone considering relaxing their cancellati...
Hi everyone,
I am very new to real estate, in fact, I haven't even begun yet. I have been a BiggerPockets fan for years! I listen to the podcast and attend the weekly webinars in order to learn as much as possible.
I hear everyone in just about every podcast say that they have access to their local MLS. I have been investing for the past 4+ years in the buy-and-hold arena and have just recently begun learning more and getting...
I would have to say that I am very very lucky because I have partnerships now that work amazingly well like marriages made in heaven. One of my current partnerships is with someone who I could literally chat with for ...
One of the things I have learned and to be honest with you I have run across this problem in all fascists of life is to stay away from negative people. I was recently asked what was I doing to make money and I explain...
My tenant is mad at me and gave me their 30 day notice. Being that I now have prospective tenants wanting to see the house, I texted notice that I would need to show the place and gave an option of either this Tues, ...
I am renting a unit and have had a series of would be tenants with large dogs. One had a 50 lb lab, the other a 60 lb German Shepherd. They both asked why I limit dogs to 20 lbs only, and pretty much asked what c...
Hey All! Helping my brother go about a purchase of a property and we are brainstorming the best way to structure the deal. Here's the cliff-notes version of the story:The current owner of the property is going through...