Is Kris Krohn legit or another guru just scamming people out of their money, giving them false hope? Haven't found many reviews.
To my sisters and brothers in the real estate biz - I'm considering joining Exp Realty and curious to hear your thoughts - positive and negative - on this company/their approach. On the one hand, the stock options, ag...
There are so many positive stories about people starting their investment careers on here and online that aren't painting a completely accurate picture.
Most people are living paycheck to paycheck. The statistics on...
Black family sued appraiser in Marin, CA matter. From the article, "The case has now been settled out of court, with appraiser agreeing to pay an undisclosed sum of money to the coup...
For those of you don't believe that we ALREADY turned the corner, here is ONE OF several listing that I ran into that are listed below that 2015/2016 purchase price...In San Francisco....A location....Removed by moder...
It all sounds so perfect: you can buy a house for cheap, have someone else fix it up for you and then rent it out for great cash flow. You run the numbers (on a BP calculator, they are really good BTW), you read the f...
I am new to this amazing website, so please let me know if I need to post this in a different area. I want to find off-market properties. I have created the attached letter using Brandon Turner's post from 2016. I am ...
Hello,Has anyone worked with Grocapitus and were their revenue estimates accurate? Any comments on things worked out? I tried searching the forum expecting to find something but was having trouble. Please PM if you've...
Wondering if any wholesalers or other investors have used this software service, REI Reply. Seems too good to be true and wisdom tells me that it probably is. But hey, maybe they've cracked the code or something. I th...
I am currently dealing with some occupants (who are no more than squatters) and getting them out so I can get in and start the rehab has been a daunting process. Typically, I get them out with cash for keys and it is ...