Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Pro's: It's great to have BP as a trustworthy partner to give clients a level of trust that they will be taken care of. BP cosigns our ability to operate and vets us both on the phone and online prior to featuring us....
Just watched this fascinating and well-done story by CNBC on "What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?"
Now, I live and invest in California, so I'm definitely not a California hater. However, I'm also no California...
BP contributors:
I for one believe we're not going to see a real estate crash anytime soon, and I firmly believe in the power of pessimistic thinking. But I'm also not wholly ignorant of all the aspects of this busin...
Something I remember reading in Josh Dorkin's book, about economic cycles, is that one sign you're in the Peak Phase of a real estate market is that there are real estate gurus everywhere.I can't stop seeing this now....
Just announced. More than many thought including me. I figured 1/4 point then another in a couple of months.Should be interesting to see how things shake out.
So I'm sitting on about 1.4 mil in equity right now. Projected to be nearly 3 mil in five more years. But let's say I have some hardships along the way so I conservatively figure I'll have 2 mil. I could retire with m...
Being a landlord or real estate investor is tough. Not everyone is going to see things the same way you do. Things like evictions or rent increases are very sensitive subjects. Many people in our society want to vilif...
There are not enough houses to go around and I think I know why. Some have suggested the pandemic has caused the low inventory in housing, but with interest rates so low and houses selling above asking, why would any ...
What is your opinion are these large swaths of boarded up homes we see in the mid west upper rust belt ruining these cities or are they an investors dream opportunity to get into the RE game for ridiculously low price...