Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
Good morning all (PST), I am going to start by saying, I am so happy I have found Bigger Pockets and everyone in it. I have been reading through all the forums, attending webinars and listening to the podcasts. Thorou...
I am new here, and along with the Bigger Pockets guides, I recently read Brandon Turner's "7 Years to 7 Figures." That piece lays out 3 fundamental principles: get a good deal when you buy (20% discount), appreciate ...
My wife and I just bought a Freddie mac home steps house during the owner occupied period. We closed last thursday. I needed about 3 weeks to paint and do some work to the house before moving in, so we have not yet mo...
Everyone says LTRs are passive, STRs are work.But why? What exactly makes them more work that can't be automated?Let's assume you self-manage. The most prominent problems that I can think of are:Booking/screeningClean...
Let me start and people can add:1. Deeding a property in their personal name to a LLC.Why, because you now have additional costs and are getting no asset protection since your LLC didn’t buy the property (and 99% of t...
Does anyone have experience investing in Albuquerque? I'm concerned with the high level of crime and people not paying their rents on time. Is there a certain area you suggest over others?I currently live in Sherman O...
Couldn't find a place to put this post, so I thought I would stick with Commercial since we do Self Storage and this is one of the benefits of being in Self Storage.Will take you through our Belize adventure ( its an ...
We are in the market to buy and hold and plan to put down 25%.We have a seasonal real estate agent working with us, who is also a friend. Rent in the areas we are interested in is about $1300 – $1550 for a 2 bds/1 ba...
I put my home on the market 15 days ago, hired a real estate attorney, and recently paid 500 for MLS. Been listed on MLS for 5 days and I haven’t received any calls from agents to have a buyer tour. What am I missing?