Corporate IT professional with over 15 years experience specializing in software development process, project management, and PMO consulting. Part time fix and flip real estate investor.
My short term goal is to obtain my Florida Real Estate License and focus on becoming a buyer's agent for individuals looking to relocate to Florida...
I'm here to learn about property investment. Goal is to buy my first rental property in 2019. Markets include the Colorado front range, eastern Idaho, and central Indiana.
I am delighted to introduce myself as a newcomer to the realm of real estate investing, driven by a strong passion for small-large multifamily properties. As I embark on this journey, I am actively seeking a team of seasoned professionals who can provide valuable guidance and expertise. Based in New York, I am eager to connect...
My wife an i are both retired,and new to REI.....I was in sales for 30 yrs.
I was born and raised in Philadelphia and have over 13 years experience in all fields of real estate. My areas of expertise include commercial and residential development from concept to completion, historic renovation, as well as commercial and residential leasing, property management, and construction.
My current company is J.Roller...