Relocating to South West Florida and keen to network with like minded investors in the local area
I am a content specialist with Landlord Studio, a property management tool made by landlords, for landlords.
We make life easier for DIY landlords, through intuitive digital tools that streamline income & expense tracking, and provide instant professional reports. Managing your rental properties has never been easier.
I love the concept of financial freedom through realestate and a great fan of BP. Looking to network with people who dont mind sharing knowledge. Also, a licensed Realtor in Hawaii. I own a few Single Family and plan on buying Multifamily. Interested areas are Dallas Fortworth and surrounding.
I currently live outside of Richmond, VA. I am a working professional who has been working for a large corporation for over 12 years. I am recently married and getting ready to build a new house with my wife,
Commercial Real Estate | $50 M AUM
Started in 2020 with 0 doors, no experience, and now own and operate 300 doors and GPs in another 250 doors.
- Heavy Value add, buy and hold Multifamily Rentals
- In house construction
Real Estate Goals:
- Scale steadily