Brenda Flatter is the Executive Director of National Sales at Meridian Title Corporation, a nationwide title and settlement services provider. She is a seasoned sales and business developer that has continually brought growth and revenue increases during her tenure at Meridian Title. Brenda’s extensive real estate knowledge comes from her...
Brenda Flatter is the Executive Director of National Sales at Meridian Title Corporation, a nationwide title and settlement services provider. She is celebrating 10 years with MTC, having started her career in the set up and development of the REO Department, the evolution into the Tax Lien Industry and building the need for the National...
I'm a tax professional working within corporate finance and accounting. Originally hailing from central MA, I have been living/working in the Boston-area for 10-12 years, with brief stints in NYC and San Francisco.
I am a real estate investor that recently moved to Spokane, WA market. I was previously in Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area.