Mioym Equities we specialize in private/hard money lending, commercial lending, WHOLESALING and investing in single and multifamily. We get deals, we send out deals. We are always happy to connect help us help you. We are in states NY,NJ, CT, MA, NC, NH, MD, TX, AZ, AK, IN, IA, ME, WI, AL, GA, KY, VT, MS, ND, OH, FL, VA, WA, CO, OR, KS, MS,...
Hi! I've got 12+ years of experience working in multifamily real estate and finance. I now buy multifamily in Texas and the Carolinas as acquisitions analyst for Goodegg Investments. Look forward to connecting!
Acquisitions and U/W for Goodegg Investments, Oct 2020-Present
9+ years as a mortgage broker,...
Rental property investor with rentals looking to expand to 20+ locally in Oklahoma and out of state in midwest and southern regions. Current goal is to do rental investing full-time.