My name is Justin LaPointe, I am 50 years old, I'm married to Angie my wife of 26 years and we have 3 boys, 21,18 and 15 years of age. We have both been in the fitness industry for 24 years and we are looking for financial security for retirement thru buy and hold real estate. I live in Newberg Oregon which is the newer, wetter version of...
I've owned a successful business since 2010 in a different industry. Being a entrepreneur and business woman is my passion and interest. I'm currently struggling to pass my broker exam to become a realtor. I have chosen to immerse myself into this new part of this world I have yet to experience.
Newbie to the real estate investing industry! Looking to start with fix and flip projects and grow my business to building a portfolio of rental properties. Mortgage and leasing experience also! I am looking to gain as much experience as possible in order to successfully execute my flips.
I am a travel ER/trauma registered nurse new wholesale investor. Eagar and fast learner, building an empire. Had this desire for years now I am taking the leap of faith and beginning my new wins!
I am the owner of a NYC general contracting company that renovates & maintains foreclosed properties for local real estate brokers and investors. We have established relationships with real estate brokers,financial investors and asset managers. We provide any and all aspects of the property preservation and construction business. We...