This is Hiren Madhavani, working as a software engineer in the most awesome place on earth, the great Silicon Valley or Bay Area as they call it.
I am from Fremont and own a house here. Have 3 awesome kids and the best wife I could possibly dream of.
Came here to get motivated and learn more about real estate investing and get in...
My husband and I currently own a remodeling company. We have formed another company to invest in real estate. Right now we're concentrating on rehabbing, but in a few years would like to completely rely on passive income. I have also been an active realtor in the past, and still am currently licensed.
Highly motivated self starter who believes 'impossible' is just an excuse for being laid back and 'young' isn't a synonym for 'too early'. As a fortune builders' mastery trainee,I've only been in the real estate business for just 16 months & i'm glad to see how far & fast I've come, i'm so excited to be in this amazing industry...
Started investing in real estate October 2016 few flips now getting into buy and hold currently 7 doors no debt
I purchased my home to circumvent landlord's rules. Listening to this podcasts and their guests, make me want to gain financial wealth and separate myself from my W2 job as well.
I'm a investor in the Fort Myers area. Always looking to expand my knowledge base and network with like-minded souls. I enjoy the analytical and logistical challenges associated with finding good deals. I want to expand my knowledge of all things real estate.
I'm a husband, father and grandfather from Pittsburgh who is determined to leave a legacy of successful entrepreneurship for my family. I particularly want my grandchildren to see that there are great rewards for those with great patience and perseverance.