Currently a Mechanical Engineer living in Belmont, MA and investing in the Worcester, MA. Focusing on student rental multi family properties. The first video I saw on BiggerPockets was the how to calculate the costs of rental properties.
I am a Real Estate Investor/Developer/Contractor located in North Alabama. I invest in multi-family, flipping houses, and commercial real estate. My career experience includes commercial real estate banking; commercial real estate appraisal; and multi-family development, construction, management and investment. I have a wife and 3...
Hello, my name is Brady Carpenter. I'm from Indiana and am new to real estate investing. I enjoy listening to all kinds of music, especially metal and hip-hop, kind of a weird combo I guess. I love playing the drums and video games. If you enjoy drum covers my YouTube has some mediocre ones.
MVP Real Estate Advisors
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We are eager and excited to talk to you about all of your different options for selling your property,...
Fliping and rehabing.
Real Estate Goals:
Succesfully implement new bussines model
Currently Seeking:
investors - long term (5 yr).
Highly educated and already climbed the corporate ladder to the top before turning 40. Now looking at real estate investments to secure a retirement income with the goal to leave my kids a solid cash flow one day. Will reinvest 100% of the realistate profit, for the next 20-25 years. Long term goal oriented mindset. Have rebuild/remodeled...