I have always been a motivated person, Starting with a passion for video games I spent my highschool time improving myself, and I became a good player in Street Fighter.... Since then times have changed, I am a college student and currently I am currently living with my father and it is a struggle. I've become tired of living a life where the...
I live in the northeast, Danbury, Connecticut to be exact. Currently have one property in Stratford, Ct that is almost done being rehabbed and will be ready to go onto the market soon.
Have a great network and team. Looking to do real estate investing full time but need to grow my business first.
Want to do flips to generate...
Once upon a time I was an attorney. My wife and I became full time wedding photographers several years ago. Now we are considering transitioning out of that career and are hoping to find investment opportunities that can replace that income.
I'm an investor and General Manager of an investment real estate brokerage in the Atlanta area.
Passionate about learning from other investors and about helping people make their investing process a smooth experience by providing reference for financing such as hard money, contractors, and other essentials for their deals in the Nashville area.
Hello, I'm Byron. I'm excited to join and looking forward to building my team. I currently have 2 properties in West LA (one rental and one that I live in). I'm also a CPA and looking to help other Real Estate Investors. I'm looking for more properties. I'm here to help and also get advice.