I’m a musician and public school teacher turned contractor and landlord. I take pride in providing my tenants quality, affordable and safe homes. I’m looking forward to my new career providing me more time to flip properties and syndicate commercial multifamily deals.
I am a career federal employee living in Northern Virginia. I have family ties to the Myrtle Beach, SC area so that is where the majority of my investing has occurred. I currently own four townhouses in the Myrtle Beach area and I house hack my residence in Northern Virginia.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Recently moved to Baltimore City, MD.
I'm a Software Engineer by day and investor by night. I got into real estate to create financial freedom so I can follow my dreams of teaching children engineering.
I am a new investor in the Wadsworth, OH area. My main occupation is in agriculture and a family farm. I am looking to get into rental units as additional income.
I'm a digital marketing consultant based in DC. I love sports, fitness and (wait for it)... real estate! I bought my first househack in 2021 and my goal is to develop a portfolio through through this strategy over the next 3-5 years.
Hello. My name is Matt and I am a new investor: I started my real estate journey through House Hacking by purchasing a 2 family and renting out one of the units. I am currently looking to purchase my next investment property, which will ideally be a three or four unit multi-family. I am in the Haverhill, MA area and am always looking to...