Bobby Sharma
WORST cities for permits, code enforcements, city inspectors
26 August 2024 | 28 replies
I got the last window of the day (even though I asked for AM), a 3 hour window noon to 3.
Neeraj Shrivastava
Overcharged by water restoration company
4 June 2024 | 5 replies
Luckily by googling got this foram to ask question so posting my query.
Raymond J. Rodrigues
5% Down Conventional on 2-4 Unit Primary
2 January 2024 | 4 replies
Is it problematic to utilize this for am out of state investment (4 unit) if I currently don't have a primary residence?
Account Closed
Acquistions brokerage fee
17 December 2023 | 9 replies
Question-What do people here in the community think is a fair or reasonable brokerage fee if you find and complete a successful acquisition for company your working for? Am
David de Luna
[Calc Review] Help me analyze this DUPLEX deal
22 September 2018 | 0 replies
Not the cash flow I was hoping for. Am
Amber H.
What constitutes a "livable" property?
23 September 2018 | 3 replies
I know some of it will depend on what the market calls for. Am
Michele G.
Help! Possible first flip or BRRRR - worth it?
3 April 2018 | 0 replies
What red flags should I look for? Am
Danny N.
What Type Of Loan Am I Looking For And What Banks Can Help?
10 October 2017 | 3 replies
When I go into one of these smaller banks and go over what Im looking for am I looking for a loan with a 30 year amortization or are they typically shorter term loans?
Annette Ross
What is the Market in Dallas-Fort Worth Doing
25 May 2016 | 2 replies
Let's say I am able to resell in 1-2 years and resale is $10-20k more than what I bought the house for, am I ahead financially despite the closing costs on the buy and sell?
Kevin Jennings
A couple of rookie questions
15 October 2021 | 29 replies
Even in my current house/neighborhood, I couldn’t imagine people being willing to pay 1% of what homes are currently selling for. Am