Crystal Harris
Junior Tax Liens
10 November 2024 | 2 replies
It wasn't until then that I realized that I purchased a junior tax lien.
Drue Fourmont
Where do I start as a 21 year old College Student at LMU Los Angeles???
10 December 2024 | 2 replies
Hey Bigger Pockets world,I am currently a Junior Finance student at Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles.
Ben Whittington
Private Lenders - How Much Do You Pay for Loan Documents
5 December 2024 | 12 replies
Doss Docs are cheaper than Lightning Docs from Geraci and they can cater to junior lien positions and cross-collateralizations, too.
Lorenzo L.
Starting a Syndication at 21 (NEED ADVICE)
4 December 2024 | 32 replies
I need credibility, either through working for a couple of years for a company or buying my own property, starting small, and scaling with time.Now, my plan is to graduate next year (Im a junior), and get a job in a firm as an analyst in order to build that experience and mainly cover my living expenses, while on the side buy my first small property and go from there.However, and this is where I start overthinking, I still have 1 year left in school and I want to use it to my advantage as I don't have any expenses or responsibilities other than school yet, and I want to do my first deal.
Chris Seveney
Why jr. Liens can be problematic when in 1st position
13 November 2024 | 15 replies
They asked, “why do you care about junior lies when you are in first position?
Majdi Chowdhury
Seller Financed Home - looking to do DSCR loan or is there something better?
25 November 2024 | 11 replies
Your only way to get cashout is a full-blown cashout refinance.Not aware of a lender that will do a HELOC as a junior lien to seller-financing.
Chris Seveney
Is it really this bad with syndicators?
27 November 2024 | 18 replies
So if the LP's have enough cash they simply pay the loan off and own it free and clear.. but the size of the deals are so large raising cash to pay off debt simply is not realistic at all so if the property goes into default your junior position investors find themselves wiped out.Further more thats why a debt fund like Chris has can be a good choice for the very conservative investor..
Michael McLoughlin
PPR Note Fund
5 December 2024 | 87 replies
That's certainly one of the factors since 1sts tend to have tighter margins than junior liens.
Ryan Goff
Grocapitus - Anyone have experience with them?
14 December 2024 | 163 replies
I have been branded as just no-fact Cryer to undermine my valid experience based on technically of junior partner, old company etc.
Josival Junior
Property with difficult Realtor
7 November 2024 | 1 reply
@Josival Junior, I would counter, see if they're open to negotiating, and if not, then walk away.