Marc Dufour
Accept or Deny this tenant?
4 April 2014 | 8 replies
They could have been DUIs, does this make him a bad tenant, not necessarily but he could get fired tomorrow for wrecking his company car and refusing a breathalyzer on the scene.
Jeremy A.
Screening for booze abuse?
17 January 2020 | 55 replies
Ask them to breathe into a breathalyzer when you do the showings .
Conway Churaman
Need a new Lifestyle Plan. Heck, I need an INTERVENTION!
5 March 2017 | 18 replies
BLOZF aka Cannabix Technologies is developing a breathalyzer that can measure it on your breath instead of taking urine or saliva samples.
Nathan Gesner
Does your City require Landlords to register rentals?
4 May 2021 | 77 replies
You don't stop every driver on the road and administer a breathalyzer just because 2% of the drivers may be drunk at any given time.
Kenny Smith
what to do with a nightmare neighbor...
26 September 2023 | 4 replies
I had animal control after them for a dog that barked in the middle of the night and when the tenants' brother got drunk and wrecked their car I called the police and told them to give him a breathalyzer and when they showed up and he failed the sobriety test they took him to jail.Most people fear confrontation.
Nathan Blumanhourst
Abandoned Vehicle in Driveway
7 January 2019 | 4 replies
The car has a interlock (breathalyzer).
Douglas Gratz
My New Construction Journal From Start To Finish
29 September 2023 | 195 replies
Self-inflicted because I only had 2 beers, stupidly refused the breathalyzer not knowing if you do that, you automatically get the highest tier DUI.