Jay Hutchinson
Is wholesaling a good starting point???
13 January 2020 | 17 replies
You would benefit on knowing some buyers you can count on.You might do what is called "reverse wholesaling" where the buyer finds out at first to know what buyers want or what they are looking for.
Drew Rehman
Modular Pre Fab / Manufactured home as ADU in N. California
29 February 2020 | 7 replies
If you're okay with what is basically a tiny home (they can be very nice), then you might be able to get close to $100k but it will be close.From a lot coverage standpoint, if you're under 800sqft or 1000sqft in CA, typically you are exempt from lot coverage issues.On the comps and appraisal issue, the adu comps should count towards square footage, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will appraise at the same cost per sqft as the rest of the house.
Mickey Bauer
Capital Gains on Sale of A Gifted Property
8 January 2020 | 11 replies
If they then live in it two or more years as their primary and it goes up to 500k, THAT 100K would NOT be counted as capital gains?
Luke B.
Off market google adword key phrases
17 January 2020 | 6 replies
Google simply counts that word as a word that is typed.That list... all you experts cling to, doesn't tell you true motivation who or why it is typed in.That is a HUGE reason you can not rely on these methods to find them.Sure things are a lot more complex and complicated than that but the logic remains.
Christopher Dahl
Adult ‘occupant’ options.
1 February 2020 | 3 replies
Cross that bridge if you get to it.
Jeff Oberts
Lake house / Cabin short term rental
19 November 2019 | 13 replies
Manly men, as opposed to girly men).Kegorator, electronic darts, poker table w/cards & chips, BluRay player and a collection of porn, Roku or smart hdtv, gas grill & charcoal grill, suit of armor, life size stand up picture of Marilyn Monroe, .22 cal pellet gun with pellets and pigeon/starling/squirrel bait and a critter count score board, horse shoe pit, firepit with several tons of firewood, that's all I can think of right off the top of my head.
Festus Edward
Is it better for contractors to provide materials vs investor?
30 January 2020 | 5 replies
Hello all,Currently doing a medium scale renovation on a newly acquired rental and it crossed my mind to asked here- to find out what has worked best for fellow buy and hold investors- Is it better for contractors to provide materials vs the investor?
Nicholas Glatter
When would you back out of a deal?
5 February 2020 | 11 replies
What’s the line you aren’t willing to cross when it comes to buying a property?
Tyson Hosey
What Do You Mean by "Simple Interest"
30 April 2017 | 7 replies
I am not a fan of counting on appreciating.
Daniel Llewellyn
Loopnet for finding properties.
15 May 2017 | 8 replies
@Daniel Llewellyn I've looked on loopnet but I don't find too many thing that cross the threshold of "interesting".