Bill S.
Change of Status - 6 month challenge
12 November 2015 | 41 replies
The positive thing is that dealing with them now at arms length is much easier than had I rented the place to them.
Tyler Carpenter
Forming LLC?
9 August 2018 | 15 replies
Your hold length, exit strategy, and equity position all need to be considered before the LLC.If you are flipping, an LLC is a "pass through" entity in which the income and expenses are passed onto your personal.
Cheryl C.
How to "income qualify" a section 8 tenant?
21 June 2011 | 20 replies
I've let some go for up to 3 months; depending of their length of tenancy, reason for job loss, prior job history, etc.
Dawn Vought
Alternative To Copper Piping For HVAC Units
26 July 2010 | 21 replies
Because of the substantially shorter length of copper piping needed, that installation wound up costing less than even just the materials would have been to re-install it on the side of the house and encase it in conduit.Now hopefully they don't steal it off of the roof!
Michael Wagner
Success in the World of Self Storage
15 December 2013 | 16 replies
You can then use google maps to determine sq. footage available at each facility (count each door and multiple by ten:) to get length and width at each facility.
Brittany Chesley
New Real Estate Wholesaler In Utah
18 January 2019 | 6 replies
It's also very helpful to meet other wholesalers and investors who can tell you if your results are low, average, or above average for the area based on their experience, and what length of time you can expect to market before seeing results.Best of luck and reach out if I can help with anything else!
Lori N.
Landlord right to enter
5 November 2018 | 26 replies
Regarding the length of your lease - the only tenants that bawk at short term leases are BAD tenants.
Kien Gallwey-Grant
Can I add construction loan calculations to BRRR calculator?
8 November 2018 | 1 reply
Unless they have the same interest rate and term length.
Sam Leon
Tenant accommodation during invasive repairs
28 May 2018 | 11 replies
However, one end of it is inside the sink cabinet, the other end of it where it connects to the stack is behind the bathroom, where there is a tub the whole length, and tiled wall (with no spare tiles).
Seeking for Recommendation of a Self Directed IRA Company
25 June 2021 | 64 replies
To keep the tax-preferred status of the plan, there are rules surrounding keeping all plan activities at arm's length and avoiding any self-dealing or dealing with disqualified parties (lineal family for the most part).