17 June 2009 | 31 replies
If you haven't even took the time to introduce yourself in the appropriate place here on BP's forum then don't waste either of ours time by requesting to be my colleague, I'll deny it

13 August 2009 | 26 replies
." - Thomas Jefferson "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." - Thomas Jefferson "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson "To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association—the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." - Thomas Jefferson

13 December 2013 | 1 reply
Most people are too shy to engage in the game, or the game just may not be appropriate for work functions.

18 January 2014 | 1 reply
After much research and budgeting, the time had come to start my first YL campaign, appropriately (for me) in the first month of this new year.I know there are numerous threads on "the first deal" but would like to hear any Nervous Nellie (or Nelson) stories about getting that first assignment contract signed.

1 February 2016 | 36 replies
Or would some investors be interested in obtaining a property for under 10K just for the lot with the appropriate utilities running to it?

9 March 2014 | 14 replies
I've not been involved lately with Sec 8 vouchers, HUD has had programs in the past and my past involvement was with the housing authority.The vouchers were available through non-profits providing affordable housing mainly, not sure the regulations require the arrangement but the reality is politics more than someone receiving benefits and trying to cut a deal, never saw that happen.

16 October 2014 | 8 replies
Best thing to do is to suggest the appropriate method to a seller, if they are agreeable to considering it, get them to see your RMLO.

27 April 2014 | 5 replies
Regulations and laws are tough not to mention competition.

8 May 2014 | 26 replies
It is said that Houston has some of the highest closing costs in the country.And Texas has state regulated title costs.http://www.frontiertitletexas.com/tools/title-calculator

1 March 2018 | 7 replies
Government regulations such as “MACRA” and “Meaningful Use” have put heavy pressure on small physician groups.