Jeremy Clarke
Under contract: My first out of state buy-hold!
11 July 2017 | 44 replies
He has a search set up for me to receive notifications as soon as new listings pop up so i can move quickly on deals.In regards to going out of is basically a thing of the past where i live.
Vikram C.
Delinquent first mortgage but not 2nd
22 March 2010 | 5 replies
Vikram,James is correct regarding the notifications; those second lien holders (actually ANY junior lenholders) have "collateral at risk" and are required to be properly served notices, or else the forclosure can be challenged.And you would be correct when you guess that the second lien holder can bid the total of the first and their second liens; since they hold that second, they only have to come up with enough cash to deal with the first lien.
Account Closed
DIY investing - what are best resources for comps and listings?
13 July 2020 | 2 replies
Tell me, why would I not, if I can get financing?
Mathew Hilton
Indianapolis Roof Replacement
6 May 2020 | 6 replies
Sounds like a Victorian home so might be in a historically district in which case you’ll need the contractor to know how to pull a COA with the IHPC in addition to a notification with the permit office.
Gillian C.
Advice: Chicago tenant unsure about renewing lease
27 March 2019 | 11 replies
I'm not sure if we can increase the rate that we previously gave the tenant due to Chicago rent increase notification laws.
Mark S.
Step Up in Basis at Death for LLC-owned Real Estate
22 May 2019 | 3 replies
I’m assuming if I held them in my personal name, heirs would get step up in basis at my death but not if they’re owned by the LLC.
Account Closed
Fake it till you make it?
29 March 2019 | 10 replies
And when (not if) you make a mistake, admit it and do your best to fix the damage.
Que West
Question about forclosing on a lien in weschester thats passed the redemtion period
26 May 2010 | 2 replies
Seems many who follow the guru plans about buying tax liens seel it as if mosyt of the deals will end up with a collector's deed...guess not if you have been doing this for 6 years and have never been in this position!
Raleigh Lewis
Wholesaling Philadelphia sheriff sale properties..
29 October 2018 | 10 replies
Didn’t know you could get notifications from keywords thanks Ryan lol
Carey Branam
How to move people out upon completion of lease
6 August 2018 | 3 replies
Typically your lease will have a Paragraph about what Notification is required on how the lease is terminated at the end of lease.