Nathan Vu
Do you inspect your rental with or without tenant being there?
30 March 2021 | 8 replies
I like to explain the the tenant in person any issues that might arise.
Account Closed
How do we get back to the old forums?
6 April 2021 | 15 replies
(especially in the discussions I've already posted in/been in before) It also doesn't show the next trending posts page, unless you manually modify the link address and add "popular?
Jordan Smith
Intro: CRE Professional Relocating to WI - Cash to Deploy
2 April 2021 | 9 replies
It seems like a lot of the old neighborhoods I never had a reason to go to 10+ years ago are now becoming more popular (ie Walkers Point, Brewers Hill, Riverwest) for this type of strategy?
Nick Troutman
What are some of of the best ways to find private or Hard money?
31 March 2021 | 7 replies
I’ll be using it as a short term rental at the entrance town for the popular and newest National Park, New River Gorge National Park.
Devin Duval
Buying My First Rental
3 April 2021 | 4 replies
Property doesn't need any repairs and is one side of a townhome in a popular area.
Josh Brimhall
Short term rental cost to operate
31 March 2021 | 6 replies
It will depend on your area and the type of property but traditionally it won't be as popular in the winter or mid-week.
Archie Drake
New Homes as Rentals
1 April 2021 | 11 replies
Huntsville was the 4th most popular move to city in the country last year.
Shakim Montgomery
informational books or media
31 March 2021 | 2 replies
How do I go from one property to two, three, four and what challenges arise with owning more than one?
Tariq Hakeem
Metro Denver housing market selling homes faster and faster
31 March 2021 | 0 replies
The median closing price of a single-family home in Denver shot up 4.1% month-over-month to $530,000 and was rising at a 21.8% annual rate in February.Condos and townhomes aren’t as popular, in part because the pandemic has instilled a desire among buyers for more space.
Mark Alston
Second 2 family at 5% down?
31 March 2021 | 4 replies
With all the new house hacking popularity and people interested, it seems like no one fully goes in depth on this approach, it’s always kinda vague.