14 March 2013 | 49 replies
Gas is going up as a fellow American let this guy keep the $40 he saved you more than that by not stopping up the lines in four years.

10 August 2009 | 19 replies
The majority of Americans DO NOT approve of Obama’s approach to health care reform.

30 November 2010 | 54 replies
Not only are Americans losing their homes - their retirement funds are being whisked away from them also - just as about 60 million baby boomers getting ready to draw on funds that are drastically depleted.

13 August 2011 | 22 replies
Personally, I have pretty good idea of how much my professional time is worth (from having been in the corporate world for a long time) and I use that as a baseline.Ultimately, at the end of every year, I do a quick calculation that estimates the number of hours I worked in the real estate business, and multiply that by my hourly "worth", to generate my hypothetical salary that I should have expected to take from the business.I then create my financial statements (most importantly my P&L) that counts that "salary" as an expense and analyzes the success of the business as if I had paid myself that salary.

28 July 2011 | 11 replies
A really good compilation of Buffett's letters was organized by Lawrence Cunningham and is called "The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lesson for Corporate America".

14 January 2011 | 11 replies
If the answer is banker, employee or manager of a major corporation, than the bank is the better choice.

19 January 2011 | 14 replies
It is a good feeling when you let go of all these frustrations and you don't focus on everything you think the govt is fu*king up.I agree with much of what Eric stated, but also disagree with this paragraph and here is why: This is basically stating that we as Americans should just stick our heads in the sand and deal with it.

26 February 2009 | 21 replies
Here is one of my favorites: "If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas JeffersonIt is my hope that one day all Americans will know that the Federal Reserve is no more "Federal" than federal express.

8 April 2009 | 2 replies
If Americans don't need to walk anywhere we are going to get even fatter.

6 May 2009 | 4 replies
(born October 19, 1942) is an expatriate American investor and financial commentator based in Singapore.