View report*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.I am looking at this property, currently going back and forth with the seller on it. The...

View report*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.Hello Bp,I have this house I am going to look at near me. This is with conservative rent ...

View report*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted. Hi guys! Im a fairly new real estate investor. I have a few mobile home rentals but want...

View report*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.This deal looks like it cash flows well to me. If I don't put any money into repairs (I'v...

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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.Hey everybody,I am currently in the negotiation process for a SFR in ...