25 November 2009 | 20 replies
I found quite interesting your discussion about LLC, in my previous experience I realized that being an owner of LLC is generally much better then being the private owner (not only property btw)!

10 November 2005 | 13 replies
You as a private citizen could do a deal like this and become an over night investment guru, where a licensed agent can not only find themselves at risk of losing their licensure, but quite possibly fines and legal problems.

9 August 2005 | 0 replies
U bet, 8) I've spent the last 5 years cultivating a portfolio of private lenders for virtually any scenario(loan) You could possibly need, including but not limited to 80% ARV(after repaired value), NOT Purchase Price, Purchases at 80% of APPRAISED Value(not purchase price), 80% of Appraised Value Cash Out Re-Finances, & most closings occur w/i 48 hours.

11 July 2011 | 19 replies
Charles Parrish wrote:Make sure you have a back door clause (subject to and contingent upon third party assignment before settlement) and that you give yourself enough time to re-cycle the property (buyer shall have 60 banking days to settle) and a safty clause (buyer has the right to extend the settlement by 25 banking days if necessary to complete all settlement paper work) and make sure you have the right to remarket the property before settlement ( buyer has the right to remarket property by private treaty or public auction any time before settlement)......and so on.

17 September 2008 | 34 replies
I believe that the policy of NAR is that real estate professionals should never discuss or re-veal their intentions concerning fees or other competitive business activities with or to competitors.NAR states; “Real estate professionals should never discuss or reveal their intentions concerning fees or other competitive business activities with or to competitors.

10 August 2005 | 5 replies
Leah is Dead on Correct;New Money, THINK OUTSIDE the BOX(I know this is WAY overused as a term, however)95% of the folks in this business make $$ 1 way....I chose the other;Cultivate a portfolio of PRIVATE Lenders....offer bizarre loan arrangements that are so far from "normal" banking procedures that the borrowers(& Lenders) are ringing Your phone off the hook...catering 2 flippers/folks that can/need ONLY private $$ w/a proven track record is what it's all about 4me;When was the last time U heard of a flipper/rehabber getting $55k BACK at the closing table along with ALL THE REHABBING Costs on TOP of THAT!

18 April 2007 | 36 replies
Trusting that private investors actually have the cash they say they do!

1 September 2006 | 10 replies
IF U want 2 go on the safe side...talk 2 the private lenders...U're funding at that point flippers/other investors/re-habbers & they're paying YOU 10-18% 4 the use of Your money...while YOU hold the 1st mortgage against the property they're prepping 2 sell 2 pay You back;It's both an excellent investment (always < 80% Loan to Value{LTV}& the most secure place U could ever put Your $$?

20 August 2005 | 1 reply
Also sometimes they may have a website.In more major metro areas there are also usually private services that are compiling this information for a monthly subscription fee.Otherwise you can go to the courthouse and look up the filings yourself.Steele in Minnesota

7 September 2005 | 1 reply
I live in Hawaii and have been in business for many years, from Security, Import/Export, Financial Sector, Private Investments and many others.