Michael Pison
Newbie from Los Angeles, Californa
7 October 2020 | 13 replies
However, my family and I are close knit, in fact, the reason I am interested in real estate investing is because I want to establish something for them as they have done for me.
Xavier Brown
Getting Started in Investing or Real Estate
21 October 2020 | 4 replies
It can actually discourage people from even trying to answer actually, I see this and think "I'd love to help but I don't know where to start" so I would say ask yourself how you would answer somebody asking that about working out, swimming, dating, knitting, dieting, work on cars, etc. anything that you do know about.
Huriel Chavez
Interested in real estate but I don’t know how to start
21 October 2020 | 2 replies
It can actually discourage people from even trying to answer actually, I see this and think "I'd love to help but I don't know where to start" so I would say ask yourself how you would answer somebody asking that about working out, swimming, dating, knitting, dieting, work on cars, etc. anything that you do know about.
Timothy Allen
First Rental Property
24 January 2020 | 18 replies
Works especially well with military since it’s usually a really tight knit group, friends/co-workers can refer others, steady income stream, and people PCS in and out all the time.
Kanita Jefferson
HOA threaten a lien
24 January 2020 | 1 reply
So many occasions they spoke to me and my children as we were all close knitted neighborhood.
Tim Cook
Building a huge buyers list
3 March 2020 | 4 replies
I spend all of my time whittling my buyer's list down as small as possible to a tight-knit group of buyers, investors, and teams that will always close the deal.
Danny T.
Rent Strike? Buzzfeed pushes irresponsible viewpoints
1 April 2020 | 15 replies
The tight knit of support unraveled very quickly when the eviction notices went out.
Sam Leon
"Communal" tenants
30 November 2013 | 16 replies
HOWEVER, I do believe these buildings are unique in that these tenants are tightly knitted and I got the feeling I will be upsetting the entire building if I had to evict one person.
Anthony Hayes
New Member Introduction from Metro Detroit
7 January 2014 | 16 replies
He was a few years ahead of me in school but provides another example of a close knit group.
Julio Avila
HELLO, i am Julio :D
19 December 2013 | 3 replies
I have a full time JOB right now, plus i sell websites for my own company, write essays for college students, knit scarves, mow lawns, advertise, sell chilies, and work on cars to add extra cash flow to my pockets. i don't care about making millions, its not my ambition nor my desire. i simply want enough to live the life i am designing for myself. a life where i can travel once a month, learn a new language, taste new foods, master some skills, and be on adventures with the people i love.i have zero experience but i am willing to learn. i want a mentor or a person who can guide me and teach me everything they know. i absorb info very fast an am very positive in my approach to life.