Jeremy Namen
Neighborhood Revival
17 October 2012 | 55 replies
We renovated the properties and the cove completely redoing the properties themselves and adding fences to cut off walkways and cut-throughs from other neighborhoods and apartments, planting trees, shrubs and flowers, painting the brick to bring vibrant colors and generally raised the "look" of this area from urban decay to urban renewal.
Joshua Dorkin
What's Important to You in a Political Party
18 September 2009 | 51 replies
I promise from the bottom of my heart to do..absolutely as not to exacerbate an already dangerous and decaying situation with more political maneuverings and shenanigans.And what's more I promise to do nothing for my entire term in office.
Account Closed
Advice - What would you do?
3 September 2018 | 22 replies
In 50 years, I think Phoenix will look like a shanty town with all these wood-framed stucco track homes decaying underneath the blazing sun.
Account Closed
San Fran, LA, Seattle: West Coast Cities Become Hellholes
18 April 2019 | 4 replies
The decay of Western civilization can be seen up and down the entirety of the West coast.
Joanne Hanson
What key things do first time landlords need to know
27 April 2019 | 80 replies
Turned out it was his washing machine hose had decayed and sprayed my wall.
Robert Flowers
Before and After Rental for Veteran
21 December 2018 | 0 replies
Over the years decay had set in.
Angela Miller
Calling Cen NY!! Financing & Neighborhoods in Central NY-Syracuse
29 December 2018 | 10 replies
These include defective construction, excessive dampness, leakage, decay, termite damage and continuing settlement.
Kevin M.
Tips on finding a RE Agent, moving across country, knowing nobody
3 January 2019 | 11 replies
Are there ways to counteract this type of situation and still have the Agent and yourself come out on top?
Ken Chud
Working with Section 8 Applicants That Do Not Have RTA on Hand
17 February 2020 | 12 replies
That has left a lot of houses and entire neighborhoods rotten plugged with decaying homes but damn banks keeping raising prices so my mortgage is high And the price of rent is what I have to charge to afford mortgage and repairs.
Russell Holmes
Orlando to remain a strong rental market
12 August 2018 | 7 replies
What are your thoughts on overall demand for an area counteracting the risk of a short term market hiccup?