6 September 2019 | 7 replies
You are saying that if you did have an interest in the property, you are declaring that you no longer have it.

11 May 2020 | 94 replies
In Las Vegas, rent increases are not allowed during the covid emergency declaration.

13 December 2022 | 9 replies
Review the endorsement with your agent and make sure it will cover the elevator, Also, if this is in an association, review the bylaws and declarations of the association to see if they are responsible for it.For the Tenants, insist on renters Insurance.

12 February 2022 | 18 replies
If they couldn't afford the previous payment, what makes you think they'll be able to pay your rent.For another, this sort of arrangement can get declared a equitable mortgage.

21 August 2021 | 27 replies
South Lake Tahoe recently passed a ballot measure essentially banning most short term rentals.https://www.rgj.com/story/money/business/2018/12/06/most-airbnb-vacation-home-rentals-banned-south-lake-tahoe/2233124002/ And Laguna Beach just did the same thing:https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/tn-dpt-me-lb-council-20190505-story.html“We don’t want commercial ‘touristification’ in our residential neighborhood,” said resident Charlotte Masarik.Ok, well that’s not Arizona… but rumblings of similar complaints are happening in Flagstaff as well:https://azdailysun.com/news/local/airbnb-a-boon-for-owners-headache-for-neighbors/article_1abd0fbb-83ee-54d6-96c3-cd753349094f.htmlAnd Phoenix too:https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2018/11/30/airbnb-rental-home-closes-shop-after-neighbors-ban-vacation-rentals/2025777002/So let's take a look at what laws regulating short term rentals are already in place.Current Arizona LegislationIn 2017, a law was passed declaring that cities, towns and counties cannot place any restrictions on short-term rental properties just because the property is not classified as a hotel. https://azdailysun.com/news/local/despite-local-objections-new-year-s-laws-include-airbnb-expansion/article_52d485d5-79cd-567f-943c-bff142e9493c.htmlThis law specifically targeted any municipalities that were trying to restrict Airbnb and other online lodging marketplaces from operating in the area.

27 December 2019 | 3 replies
If you are not majority owner for controlling declarant you have to pay special attention to ongoing operating costs and any pending special assessments.

26 May 2017 | 3 replies
The house is only in my husbands name because he owned it before we were married.Hi credit is average because he declared bankruptcy 5 years ago...about 670My credit is horrible due to a large amount of credit card debt.

30 March 2019 | 38 replies
not declare I had $100,000 on the internet...

2 December 2019 | 5 replies
And it helps you get off your butt and build some muscle too :) Ancient King Solomon who was arguably the wealthiest man who ever lived wrote how sad it was that man should work hard and hand over his work to someone else who didn't work for it, and he stated that ultimately you should enjoy life, and find enjoyment in your work, whatever that work is Eccl 8:24.