23 December 2019 | 4 replies
@David Walkotten it's somewhat hard for me to tell that because I've been selling off quite a bit of property, but if I look at how much principal I paid down this past month on current properties it implies I'm paying off about 3.5% of my total debt in a year.

4 January 2020 | 33 replies
How dare I imply that was the plan all along so they could finish early?

30 December 2019 | 13 replies
This implies that a purchase of a cash neutral home in San Diego 4 years ago would have ~$500/month positive cash flow today.
6 January 2020 | 10 replies
In the same way that my body still craves fats and sugars always, even though a glance at my waistline shows that it is not necessary to store up quickly-accessible energy, our minds and bodies do things to protect us even at a cost of our immediate thrival, and even when that need is outlivedThus my assertion that the primary reason that the masses don't clamor to all the locations that supposedly have a great ROI and few investors is because the lack of "publicity leaders" who invest there seems to imply that there's something wrong with the market.

17 January 2020 | 29 replies
I did not say or imply that Modesto represented the entire state.

2 January 2020 | 17 replies
Make sure you understand prohibited transactions, as your post implies you’re hands on with your properties.

7 January 2020 | 17 replies
Business implies an active role in the business.

10 January 2020 | 70 replies
Many times "as-is" implies that there is no sellers disclosure.

7 January 2020 | 16 replies
Be interesting to see where the how to high priced real estate training companies end up in the next few years and high priced is relative .. 20 to 50k for training to some is probably astronomical to others its cheap its a matter of perspective.you now have the how to MF trainers and pert near every niche in real estate has a how to trainer.. be it wholesaling.. or like Tom Ferry for agents or Floyd Wickman ( my wife was a trainer for Floyd back in the day) you have the land geeks. the how to wholesale .. the astro flippers the tax overages , how to buy notes (Eddie Speed) and many others in this industry.

5 November 2019 | 4 replies
(Retired , former property mgmt.co owner and New Investor Trainer for 12+ years right here in Charlotte.So we can meet in person at your convenience...