Barry Cooley
Tenant remaining in home after foreclosure
5 March 2020 | 35 replies
People in this situation will string you along as far as they can until you finally get tough and say no more.... they are going to ride this wave until it crashesYou have already given them a very sweet deal...... time to toughen up and say that free ride is over.
Matthew McNeil
Rent Strike Will Become Psychological Nemesis
20 April 2020 | 53 replies
I don't want to see anyone suffer, but the really tough folks who survive and proper had to suffer to toughen up.
Tom V.
Need some help here with tenants. Serious problem. Please!
19 May 2015 | 67 replies
. - You're probably the nicest guy but you're going to have toughen up and get a little smarter with what you are doing.
Michael Guzik
Those who can't succeed... teach?
10 August 2018 | 114 replies
On the flip side we've really had to toughen up as landlords because we've been taken for a ride so often through our good intentions and by trying to treat people as we'd like to be treated ourselves.
Jon Mccarthy
25 February 2015 | 83 replies
Being that we are all grown-ups here and trying to succeed in the real world, I feel that sugar coating advice as to not offend anyone is a silly waste of time for busy full time investors who are offering free advice based on their experiences.I do not mean to offend you in any way (dangit, I just sugar coated it) when I say I feel you need to consciously make an effort to toughen up!
Joshua Dorkin
Anyone else smell any media Bias in Election Coverage?
5 March 2008 | 14 replies
Because like it or not, the gloves will come off come time for the general elections and Obama could use the punches right now to toughen him up.As for Fox News.
Rachel Degennaro
Seller backed out at closing!
23 April 2018 | 80 replies
Better to toughen you up now so can built up some calluses on your hands now and take what success is coming your way soon!
CJ Mann
Vaping in California -- can I evict?
12 December 2019 | 8 replies
Let him know the odor is causing complaints and that he should stand away from all entrances and structures while vaping on the premises.The complainant needs to toughen up.
Paul Steward
Numbers - Do they matter when the deal is overwhelmingly good?
1 November 2017 | 25 replies
No one talked down to you, Toughen up
George Ramsay
Red flag on short sale offer
19 May 2009 | 17 replies
If more realtors would toughen up or get out of the negotiation business (which is brand new) and let people like Mitsu and my girl earn a living the job would be easier.Mitsu I like you already, want some more deals?