31 July 2014 | 19 replies
A little premature, maybe, but it's from the POV of a newcomer.

4 February 2014 | 6 replies
I considered coming to those but it seemed a bit premature when I don't even have anything in my name yet.

5 December 2018 | 10 replies
However, to avoid locking into a mortgage prematurely, I'll rent in the preliminary stage.

19 August 2014 | 13 replies
.--(1) Any servicemember may terminate his or her rental agreement by providingthe landlord with a written notice of termination to be effective on the date statedin the notice that is at least 30 days after the landlord's receipt of the notice if anyof the following criteria are met:(a) The servicemember is required, pursuant to a permanent change of stationorders, to move 35 miles or more from the location of the rental premises;(b) The servicemember is prematurely or involuntarily discharged or releasedfrom active duty or state active duty;(c) The servicemember is released from active duty or state active duty afterhaving leased the rental premises while on active duty or state active duty statusand the rental premises is 35 miles or more from the servicemember's home ofrecord prior to entering active duty or state active duty; (d) After entering into a rental agreement, the servicemember receives militaryorders requiring him or her to move into government quarters or theservicemember becomes eligible to live in and opts to move into governmentquarters;( e) The servicemember receives temporary duty orders, temporary change ofstation orders, or state active duty orders to an area 35 miles or more from thelocation of the rental premises, provided such orders are for a period exceeding 60days; or(f) The servicemember has leased the property, but prior to taking possession ofthe rental premises, receives a change of orders to an area that is 35 miles or morefrom the location of the rental premises.(2) The notice to the landlord must be accompanied by either a copy of theofficial military orders or a written verification signed by the servicemember'scommanding officer.(3) In the event a servicemember dies during active duty, an adult member of hisor her immediate family may terminate the servicemember's rental agreement byproviding the landlord with a written notice of termination to be effective on thedate stated in the notice that is at least 30 days after the landlord's receipt of thenotice.
14 September 2014 | 7 replies
This sort of policy document is way, way premature for you to be working on now.
30 August 2012 | 65 replies
Insurance is to cover the financial loss from a premature death, not death and the end of the game since we all die.
8 May 2013 | 3 replies
After we confer about possible premature senior memory issues, any outstanding POAs and her divorce which took place in 2004, I look at the the mortgage docs.

23 February 2022 | 45 replies
The market is changing a little right now whether its premature because of the FEDS & the yield curve...
11 March 2015 | 3 replies
That sounds like a premature view so far zillow has only "Like Zillow, Trulia has long had programs in place to obtain direct listing feeds from brokers and multiple listing services, inking deals with 125 MLSs as of the end of January.

26 February 2019 | 71 replies
I don't want to be too premature since I don't own the house yet.