10 March 2017 | 3 replies
Taylor Loht on corporate rentals as thought provoking.
14 February 2017 | 1 reply
Technology and social changes are the most determining factors for respondents. 91% believe that technology will change the way we use real estate assets.Cars without driver and incremental use of car sharing, will free the space in the cities, with less space necessary for car parks.The Internet will definitely modify the real estate business, both in retail and residential.The 3-D printers will provoke that it will not be necessary to store products, nor even to move them, since they can be generated at the desired time and place.The analysis of data allows a better understanding of the behavior of potential customers, as well as measuring the experience in the process and the satisfaction of those who are already customers.
28 December 2015 | 2 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=booksSimply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
28 December 2015 | 5 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=books (books recommended by BPers)Simply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational, thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
28 December 2015 | 6 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=books (books recommended by BPers)Simply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
3 January 2016 | 6 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=booksSimply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
29 December 2015 | 3 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=books (books recommended by BPers)Simply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
31 December 2015 | 6 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=booksSimply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
28 December 2015 | 5 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=booksSimply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.
27 January 2016 | 12 replies
utm_source=search&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=booksSimply, bone up on the areas that you need to expand knowledge in such as, Forums, Marketplace, Learn, Network, Analyze and Resources.Feast on the Podcasts, #askbp Podcasts, blogs and webinars Lastly, this site thrives on interactions and as such we encourage two way exchanges and look forward to educational and thought provoking ideas relevant to REI.