Christopher Hunter
First direct campaign.
2 August 2014 | 7 replies
So I aligned my ordering of my list, postcards and postage with my paydays and went to work.
Leo Goykhman
Real Estate Investing: I'm going "all in"...Steps 1,2,3
23 October 2014 | 8 replies
Seriously, thank you so much.Your words are encouraging, and I will definitely act on what you suggested-especially about adding value to the people I work with, regardless of whether there is that immediate payday or not.
Michael Batts
Lady Called Cops on Me for Cold Calling!
28 December 2018 | 71 replies
@Dan Robbins payday lenders are legal as well it doesn't mean everyone has to like them
Tom Scott
Direct Mail Tire Kickers
28 July 2015 | 20 replies
No doubt some are hoping for some pie-in-the-sky payday, but they are probably doing it out of ignorance.
Cory Binsfield
Why I'm not a flipper
5 December 2014 | 80 replies
I am of the belief that most Landlords get inflated ideas in their head because they get one big payday every couple of years which makes $$ versus the small dollars they make on cash flow.
Allen Felker
How to shut up the Wholesale bashers
1 September 2016 | 137 replies
Continue to work and work for one-time paydays at high tax rates?
Brent Hill
Gold Coaching Program - Michael Quarles
18 February 2019 | 111 replies
I credit listening to MQs and their coaching program and the many, many great people I have met on this journey for helping have the knowledge, the courage and the needed education and skills to do this first deal with very little of my own money.Contracted Price: $73,750Sell Price: $93,000Closing Costs: 2488.39Commisions: 2790.00Approx Net: $13,971.61I listed the property myself so I saved some cost there and the property was occupied creating a problematic situation for showings so I feel like I could have sold it for more if it would have been vacant and the occupant would have been more cooperative.I double closed on this deal and orginally had transactional funding setup with @David Dinkel but the title company was able to fund the frontend transaction with funds from the backend transaction.It wasn't a homerun but it was a nice payday and the wisdom I gained and relationships i built going through this very difficult deal was well worth it.I kinda agree with @Tom Krol when I hear him say on his podcats is that this isn't really as much about real estate as it is about sales and marketing and working with people and building relationships.If you have any questions, feel free to sent me a friend request, message me, call, text or email.
Brandon Foken
My Direct Mail Campaign Results Have Been Atrocious
29 June 2019 | 364 replies
If you have a small subdivision where if you can land a deal you know you will have a 10k-20k payday, its worth the small amount of time to allow people to put a face to the card or the website you have, and leave some information with them.
Account Closed
How To Find the Right Mentor. How to avoid a Bad Mentor..
2 July 2018 | 20 replies
Not many realtors in my day also flew and had the presentations I had.. but also in those days my commissions were 10 to 15% sometimes higher.. so when I banged off a 200 to 500k ranch it was a nice payday late 70s and 80s.. and NO banks and NO appraisals and very few inspections..
Mark W Carpenter
Yellow Letters Direct Mail return rate 2 calls out of 4900 sent?
18 September 2018 | 33 replies
As a wholesaler, remember this pain before you turn over your sweat and tears for a one-time payday.