13 May 2021 | 2 replies
Interestingly there was a study that showed that employees who used Firefox or Chrome, instead of the default IE or Safari, had significantly higher sales, and higher customer satisfaction.

6 June 2021 | 9 replies
Chrome is classic and IMO will never die.

17 July 2021 | 0 replies
for those who are opening up addresses in Gmaps frequently, I put together a chrome extension so you canhighlight address > right click highlighted text > button there to open address in Gmapshttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/maps-shortcut/nacjnoidlajgponcckmkfoebmipbgbfjhope it saves y'all some clicks (its free)

25 September 2021 | 1 reply
I use a combination of this chrome extension on Zillow https://chrome.google.com/webs...

23 October 2020 | 6 replies
They really help with analyzing deals.I was filling in the fields in the rental calculator in my Android Chrome browser in my cell phone and entered an explaining link and when I came back to the calculator I saw everything I wrote was erased...

5 December 2021 | 5 replies
Will this work for a Como If the home to the left and right are 450k as well?

15 October 2021 | 3 replies
@Karl Entwistle when I get back to my home office I will do this for sure on my mobile chrome browser it works seamlessly though

18 January 2022 | 20 replies
q=rental+assistance+austin&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS751US751&oq=rental+assistance+austin&aqs=chrome..69i57.4464j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8Then turn and list the unit for rent ASAP.Just my 2 cents.

29 January 2020 | 2 replies
Seems to work through Chrome, and my guess fills in some fields for you.There seems to be tricks with Craigslist so you stay at the top of the listings.

5 March 2020 | 0 replies
q=kid+crying+over+taxes&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS878US878&oq=kid+crying+over+taxes&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.5338j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8Son: "It's not fun..."