$200,000... Invest in RE or school?
14 September 2007 | 25 replies
I've browsed this site for awhile, but finally joined/posted, and would like some advice.
No Money Down
3 January 2007 | 9 replies
The site was called iamfacingforeclosure.com and is a great example of all the things that you don't want to do.... paying too much, starting too fast, being overleveraged, buying sight unseen with little exp, the list goes on and on........... also, it doesn't appear that it would be a good idea to purchase out of state for a beginner, just in case that wasn't already obvious.
Hey Now from Delaware!
28 December 2006 | 1 reply
Greetings and salutations from a newbie.Recently discovered this site from a shout-out from a RE podcast.Am really excited about RE.
George O'Neil
New Member. developement projects and financing
13 February 2008 | 5 replies
Welcome to the site George.
Seeking Advice on REI
14 January 2007 | 12 replies
i've founded two business entities - one LLC for real estate and management of our "blog" site - although i'm kind of proud that it doesn't look like your average cheezy blog.
Joshua Dorkin
What Are Your 2007 Real Estate Goals?
18 August 2007 | 41 replies
goals for 2007:complete construction of real estate web directory by March 2007have 50 businesses listed on site by december 2007buy first apt building by december 2007consult builders in Texas to consider building new homes on lots we own and apply for permits, begin construction by december 2007.grow other website subscriptions to over 150 by august 2007increase revenues from websites by 20% per month, every month.increase traffic to sites by 10% per month.build mine and my wife's dream home.
Sheron Cardin
Ola from a Californian
31 December 2006 | 6 replies
Look out - I may be in touch later this year.Otherwise, we're glad to have you here on the site.
Home Inspector & Appraisor
24 September 2009 | 5 replies
Hey Shawn and welcome to the site.