What if one part-time side hustle could replace your entire income? Even better, what if you could keep your full-time job and spend a few hours a week making thousands extra a month, raking in cash, and reaching fina...
Real estate CRMs (customer relationship management) aren’t the most exciting things to talk about…that is until you look at the results they help build. Before building her own CRM, Stephanie Betters was struggling to...
In today's episode we open up the phone lines again to field your real estate investing questions... and for an added twist, we bring in the familiar voice of author, BiggerPockets Business Podcast host, and house fli...
Though only five years into his rental property investing career, David Rosenbeck is making a seven-figure wealth-building move. If it all pans out, he’ll be one million dollars (or more) richer, with a brand new inve...
The 2023 holiday shopping season is here, and you know what that means…gifts, trips, and LOTS of spending. If you love the holiday season but are more into frugal festivities, we have just the episode for you. Whether...
Turning a man cave into a “money cave” Airbnb making thousands of extra dollars a month? It doesn’t get more house-hackable than this! Ron Curtis was able to pick up his first home in a pricey area for only a few thou...
Managing rental properties doesn’t have to be hard. You can do it without the midnight tenant phone calls, “lost” rent checks, and other common landlord headaches. Looking to buy your first or next rental property? To...
Real estate investing and contracting go hand in hand, but not many investors are bold enough to tackle their own home renovations. Today’s guest is, however, and he’s about to show you the business model he uses to c...
Apartment flipping from one of the best in the biz!
On today’s show, Brandon and David sit down with Nathan Tabor, a well-known multifamily investor who has done 26 multifamily flips in less than 10 years! You will...
No real estate investing journey is ever sunshine and rainbows, but some are certainly more difficult than others. Many rookie investors are either so fearful of making a mistake that they experience “analysis paralys...